ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

Эллада и ее соседи от архаики до эллинизма

ΓΛΑΥΚΩΝ ΚΑΛΟΣ: вазопись и политика в классических Афинах

В статье рассматриваются некоторые вопросы биографии видного афинского политика, родственника Перикла – Главкона,  сына  Леагра. Авторы, отталкиваясь от обнаруженного в Ольвии фрагмента аттической краснофигурной вазы работы Мастера Пентесилеи с надписью [ΓΛ]ΑΥΚ[ΩΝ] [Κ]ΑΛΟΣ, приходят к выводу, что время рождения Главкона следует отнести к середине 70-х гг. V в. до н.э.

Лесбос эпохи бронзы по археологическим, мифоэпическим и клинописным свидетельствам

Статья представляет собой попытку реконструкции истории Лесбоса в эпоху бронзы на основе археологических данных, хеттских документов и греческой мифоэпической традиции. Начиная с эпохи ранней бронзы археологический материал Лесбоса демонстрирует ближайшие параллели с Троей и Анатолией. Эта близость в эпоху поздней бронзы проявляется не только в археологическом материале, но нашла отражение в хеттских текстах, греческом эпосе и ономастике.

The Road Map of a Syrian Athlete, Aurelius Septimius Eirenaios

This article analyzes an honorific inscription from A.D. 221, which praised the victory of the pankratiast and boxer Aurelius Septimius Eirenaios, from Laodicea in Syria (Laodicea ad mare), and overviewed his sporting career. Having reexamined this evidence, including the locations, number, and frequency of Septimius’ victories, the author concludes that, despite his activity and mobility, Septimius was only of local importance.

Foreign policy of Megalopolis in the period 370–340 BC

The article deals with the main directions of a foreign policy of Megalopolis in the period 370–340 BC – relations with the poleis of Arcadia, and relations with the allies – Thebes and Macedonia. The author suggests the arguments, that the Megalopolis concluded alliance with Macedonian king Philip II in 344 BC. The topics discussed include the wars against Sparta, and relations of Megalopolis and Athens. The author analyzes the attempt of Megalopolis to become member of the  Delphic Amphictyony.

Remarks on the History of the “Triple Alliance”: Perdiccas II, Brasidas, and Chalcidian Poleis in the Thracian Campaign

The article examines the history of the “Triple Alliance”, formed by the the poleis of Chalcidice, and ruler of Macedonia, Perdiccas II, and Sparta, the alliance that lived about a year: from spring 424 BC to the early summer of the next year, 423 BC.

Seleucid Piety: Antiochus VII and the Siege of Jerusalem

This article is dedicated to the famous siege of Jerusalem by Seleucid king Antiochus VII Sidetes, who, according to Josephus Flavius, had expressed benevolence and respect to the Jews and their religion. The author considers this  “lenience” and “piety” as display of Sidetes’ desire to imitate his ancestor Antiochus The Great who was also respected by the Jews as benevolent ruler.

Some Notes on historical Thought and historical Science in Antiquity (Ancient Greece)

The article deals with the major factors of emergence of historical science (exactly as science, which presupposes investigation rather than a pure appraisal of facts) in Greece on the verge of Archaic and Classical periods.

How and when Lesbos became Greek?

The article analyses the ancient legendary tradition mentioning the events which were credited both by the ancient authors and modern scholars as a reason for the appearance of the Aiolian Greeks in Lesbos. The author has demonstrated that the development and transformation of local Lesbian legendary and genealogical accounts and their integration into panhellenic tradition started from the late the 7th − early 6th cent. BC.
