ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Complex of Pottery from the Basement (SK 2) from the Settlement Zavetnoe 5 at the South-Eastern Crimea

The article presents an overview of the complex of pottery originating from the basement (CK2) from the settlement Zavetnoe 5 at the Eastern Crimea (fig. 1–2). The chronological boundaries of a series of transport amphorae fit within the interval from the 70s to the 2nd quarter of the 3rd cent. BC. (fig. 3–7). By the same period are dated groups of table uncovered (fig. 9–11), kitchen (fig. 12) and hand-made pottery (fig. 13). There are no specimens of the III cent. BC among the black glaze vessels from the complex (fig. 8).

An Assemblage of the Mid-6th Century BC Well from the Berezan Excavations of 1963/1964

The article is devoted to the assemblage of finds from the well excavated by the State Hermitage archaeological mission under the direction of K.S. Gorbunova in 1963–1964 on the Berezan island. Transport amphorae are represented by the Samian, Lesbian and Klazomenian production. In addition, fragments of handles belonging to Cypriot basket-handle amphorae appear in the same deposit. The filling of the well contained the significant number of complete and fragmented tableware vessels of the Corinthian, Chian, Attic, North and South Ionian production.

To the discovery of the stamped Roman mortarius in Panticapaeum: a new source about the Roman military presence on the Bosporus

The article publishes a fragment of a stamped Roman mortarius, accidentally found during construction work in Kerch (antique Panticapaeum). Inspite of all the ordinariness of the stamp, this mark is a unique find for the European Bosporus. The recorded analogies of finds in Moesia and other parts of the Northern Black Sea region (Tyra, Olbia, Chersonessus) allow us to conclude, that mortarius is associated with the presence of Roman troops on the Bosporus in the late 2nd – early 3rd centuries AD.

Посуда Городецкого слоя Березниковского кладбища (предварительное сообщение)

Березниковское городище давно известно исследователям раннего железного века. Честь его открытия и первоначального изучения принадлежит членам Саратовской ученой архивной комиссии, в первую очередь С. Н. Чернову и С. А. Щеглову. С. А. Щеглов неоднократно обследовал данный памятник, произвел его подробные раскопки, снял его план и дал описание находок. Его данные и по настоящее время являются основным источником для характеристики интересующего нас городища, поскольку с тех пор археологических раскопок на нем больше не проводилось.