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Stoyanov R. V. Complex of Pottery from the Basement (SK 2) from the Settlement Zavetnoe 5 at the South-Eastern Crimea . Ancient World and Archaeology, 2017, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 224-251. DOI:, EDN: YLCLNQ

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Complex of Pottery from the Basement (SK 2) from the Settlement Zavetnoe 5 at the South-Eastern Crimea

Stoyanov Roman Vladimirovich, Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology of Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of HSE University

The article presents an overview of the complex of pottery originating from the basement (CK2) from the settlement Zavetnoe 5 at the Eastern Crimea (fig. 1–2). The chronological boundaries of a series of transport amphorae fit within the interval from the 70s to the 2nd quarter of the 3rd cent. BC. (fig. 3–7). By the same period are dated groups of table uncovered (fig. 9–11), kitchen (fig. 12) and hand-made pottery (fig. 13). There are no specimens of the III cent. BC among the black glaze vessels from the complex (fig. 8). Such vessels were used in everyday life longer than other groups of pottery. The «delay» of the black-glaze pottery in this case, is not less than a quarter of a century. The exception in this case is only the lamps whose dating coincides with the group of transport amphorae (fig. 14). The obtained data are consistent with the stratigraphy of the complex, indicating that the filling of the basement, connected with the construction of one of the premises of the Hellenistic manor, was made in the 1st half of the 3rd cent. BC.


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