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Chrustaljow W. K. On the Use of Foreign Historical Examples (exempla) in Cicero`s Judicial and Political Speeches. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 19, pp. 102-118. DOI:, EDN: ZPJJST

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On the Use of Foreign Historical Examples (exempla) in Cicero`s Judicial and Political Speeches

Chrustaljow Wjatscheslaw Konstantinovich, Herzen State Pedagogical University

The historical examples (exempla) are used very widely in quite different genres of Roman literature, including speeches. The focus of research is usually on Roman examples, whereas external historical examples are not yet sufficiently have found it examined. The aim of this essay is to deal with the cases of the use of so-called "external" historical examples in the judicial and political speeches of Cicero and to determine their functions.


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