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Balabanov P. A complex of ceramic stamps from a pit at the Kostadin Cheshma facility in the vicinity of the village of Debelt. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2021, vol. 20, iss. 20, pp. 346-367. DOI:, EDN: CENTTQ

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A complex of ceramic stamps from a pit at the Kostadin Cheshma facility in the vicinity of the village of Debelt

Balabanov Petar, independent researcher

The paper describes amphora stamps from an interesting “closed” complex documented in the beginning of the 1980s on the “Kostadin cheshma” site to the west of Bourgas bay. The pit contained fragments of several hundred amphorae, black glazed vessels, and domestic ceramics. It was possible to successfully narrow down the period during which it was filled out to the 370s – 360s BC. Analysis of 133 amphora stamps found in the pit (125 of them englyphic) allows us to make detailed observations on the chronology of amphora stamps and interpret the information contained in the stamps.


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