ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Некоторые проблемы истории древнегреческих городов в регионе Черноморских проливов

Surikov Igor Evgenyevich, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The paper consists of two notes. The first is devoted to foundation of cities on the Hellespont Strait in course of the Archaic Greek colonization. After considering facts connected with dates (when known) and circum­stances of foundations, the author offers some thoughts on the character of the process. He examines correlation and specificity of Aeolian and Ionian colonization in the region. If the Aeolians were interested first of all in the lands near the strait, the Ionian colonization here, as elsewhere, was a more complex phenomenon. It from the very beginning included the motive of naval penetration to the Euxine.

The other note attempts to interpret abundance of representations connected with grain on coins of Greek cities of the Straits area. Despite an existing opinion (M.G. Abramzon), these representations, unlike similar ones in Magna Graecia and Northern Black Sea shore, bear relation not so to producing and exporting grain as to its transit trade from the Euxine to the Aegean through the Straits.

Key words: 

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