ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Октавиан и Агриппа: обстоятельства знакомства и общая юность

Tariverdieva Sabina, independent researcher

The author examines the circumstances of the early youth of Octavian and Agrippa and the beginning of their friendship. Agrippa’s family was probably wealthy but its origin was quite humble, and Octavian’s lineage was not much higher; his ancestors, except his grandmother Julia, belonged to Italian municipal families. It appears that Agrippa met Octavian in the house of the latter’s stepfather Philippus, and in the same house Agrippa’s brother made acquaintance with Cato, the son-in-law of Philippus. Agrippa was educated together with Octavian and by 46 B. C. became his best friend. Probably they were going to participate together in Spanish war under Caesar but Agrippa had to go to Spain alone due to the illness of Octavian (and this might be his first military service) and his friend joined him later. Also Caesar planned to take both youths with him to his Parthian campaign. So by 44 B. C. Octavian and Agrippa were united by close friendship, common experience and common plans for the future.

Key words: 

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