ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Мавританская кавалерия и позднеримская полевая армия Северной Африки: к вопросу о механизме формирования войсковых соединений Armigeri


The present article deals with the legal status of tribal Moorish cavalry in Late Roman Army of North Africa. The author proposed a hypothesis, that the inclusion of these troops in regular Roman military forces was made in two stages: first, the different tribal home guards, belonged to the local chieftains, received the rank of frontier units – limitanei. And then they were modified in field’s army units by transfer from frontier garrisoned forts in big cities within the province. The author underlines, that the dating of this transition may be ascribed to the reign of count Gildo in Africa (387–398 A. D.), who descended from local Moorish dynasty. The main argument of this view is the inscription from Rusguniae in Mauretania Caesariensis, attesting the presence of cavalry unit of Armigeri iuniores under command of praepositus Flavius Nuvel. The author strongly believes, that Flavius Nuvel is the same with Nubel – the powerful local chieftain, who was the father of Gildo.

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