ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Погребения с амфорами в некрополе Артющенко-2


Ground necropolis Artjuschenko-2 is situated in the southern part of Taman peninsula (Temrjuk region of Krasnodar area). The site locates on the steep, abrupt bank of the Black Sea. In 2003–2012 the excavation area at the necropolis covered about 3600 square meters was under investigations. During the excavations 138 burials have been found, including 12 graves, which were supplementary examined after predatory excavations. Such complexes received special numbering with the letter “Г”. The earliest graves date to the end of the 6th cent. BC, the latest belong to the 2nd cent. BC. The most part (about 70% of dated burials) goes into the interval of about hundred years, between the early 5th and the early 4th cent. BC. Totally in the graves of Artjuschenko-2 necropolis ten trade amphorae have been revealed (Fig. 1; 2). Nine of them have been discovered in the burial complexes (n. 3, 24, 32, 40, 45, 47, 64, Г5, Г8), the tenth amphora has been confiscated from the robbers by the police. The majority of the graves with amphorae at Artjuschenko-2 necropolis date to the early 5th cent. BC, one grave belongs to the end of the century.

Seven burials of the necropolis (n. 3, 32, 40, 45, 47, Г5, Г8) contained the amphorae with complex-profiled foot, so-called “Protothasian” (Fig. 1 – 1–8, 2 – 1–8). The eighth amphora of the same type derives from the robbers’ excavations of the necropolis. In the grave 24 Chian amphora with conical body, straight neck and “Protocap” foot has been found. In the grave n. 64 the amphora made of brown clay with the high content of mica has been unearthed. The vessel was crushed in many pieces by the soil, so it was possible to restore it only partly (Fig. 1 – 10; 2 – 10).

Key words: 

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