ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Немонетные формы денег в Скифии и Фракии

Balabanov Petar, independent researcher

In the LBA treasures of metal pieces began to appear in the territories on the Western and Northern coasts of the Black sea. In the scholarly publications, the term “pre-coins” is used to denote this kind of money. It is incorrect by many reasons. It is stricter to use the term “non-coins” to describe the metal ingots in different forms used as money.

Some authors remarks, that in the EIA own domestic forms of bronze money arise in Thrace. The most significant money of this category is the bronze ingots in form of arrow point. Some of them were marked with figure and letters, identical of ones used in the coinage of Apollonia and others Greek polisies on the Western coast of Black sea.

Another form of non-coins money, do the ingots resemble stylized dolphins. They are produced by the polis of Olbia between the end of VI and the middle of IV c. BC. The recent years made known the finds of it in large territory include Eastern Romanian and Bulgarian lands.

In this area was known also the ingot with form of stylized fish, may be produced in Kerkinities, and some ingots with composite forms. It was published some pieces with relieves of last three form, perhaps used like exagia.

The observations on the non-monetary form of money give us sure that they were used in first place in the Greek cities, but in the same time in lands of domestic tribes like source of realized the small trade operations in VII– V c. BC. This fact suggests close similarity of the economic development of the Greek, Thracians and Scythians during Classical and early Hellenistic times.

Key words: 

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