ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Материалы конца VI–начала III вв. до н. э. из раскопок поселения Артющенко 2 в южной части Таманского полуострова

Stoyanov Roman Vladimirovich, Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology of Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of HSE University

Article is devoted the publication of materials of the end VI — the beginnings of III B. C. from excavation of settlement Artjushchenko-2 in a southern part of Taman Peninsula. Settlement excavation was spent to 1998 by the Bosporus’ expedition of IIMK of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The carried out analysis of various groups of finds allows to define time of occurrence of settlement Artjushchenko-2 within the end VI — the beginnings of V centuries. Dominating group of ceramics of layers and the holes opened on settlement, fragments of transport amphoras were. Without their account appreciable quantitative prevalence over other groups have table redclay and modelled ceramics. This fact allows to speak with the big share of probability about presence of local ceramic manufacture, and also about appreciable presence during this period of carriers of barbarous material culture among inhabitants of settlement.

Key words: 

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