ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Синойкизм Амастрии и амфорное производство в полисах Южного Понта (2-я пол. IV–1-я треть III в. до н. э.)


The main idea of this article is to develop recent S. Yu. Monakhov’s (1997) conception concerning the possibility to attribute several types of amphorae (end of the IV-th — the first decades of the III-rd cent. B. C.), which were previously ascribed to Heracleia Pontica, but have a number of peculiarities uncommon for this center and resembling the Sinopean ones, to uncertain South-Pontic poleis. The detailed and complex analysis of written tradition, numismatic, epigraphic and archaeological evidences allows to suppose, that the ceramic production of the northern coast of Asia Minor in that time was strongly influenced by the synoikismos, arranged by the queen of Heracleia Amastris at the very beginning of the III cent. B. C. and resulted in the uniting the small towns of Tios (for a short time), Sesamos, Cromna, Cytor in the new polis, named after its’ founder.

The amphora production of Amastris is already studied toughly, but, nevertheless, the question about its’ possible «predecessors» was never disputed by the scholars. Meantime, it seems most reasonable to assume, that during the second half of the IV-th cent B. C. the own amphorae were making in Cromna: the coins of this polis bear the picture of a ceramic vessel (kanpharos?) and a bunch of grapes, which testifies in favor of existing here of the local wine production. So, it appears, that the Cromnian traditions and ceramic workshops served as a base for the organization of the amphorae production in Amastris. Then, for a certain period, during both the time of Heracleian supremacy and also of autonomy in 280-th B. C., Tios could be the center of ceramic manufacture as well. And, finally, the certain amphorae mentioned by S. Yu. Monakhov (the so-called «Jaferka-type») could be attributed to Amastris itself and dated by the period between the queen Amastris’ death and the subjugation of the polis to the Pontic kingdom (late 270-th — early 260-th B. C.?).

Key words: 

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