ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

История и археология античного Причерноморья

About Interpretation of the one Group of Finds from Excavations of Rural Sanctuaries of the Crimean Azov Region

Layers of mollusk shells on the floors are feature of any rural sanctuary in the Crimean Azov region. Single shells, as well as fish bones, were found in some places of sacrifices. In the ritual practice of rural sanctuaries marine attributes were included in the context of ritual actions determined by the archaic ideas about the world model, which sustained among the rural population during the centuries. «Sea» attributes, on the one hand, symbolized abundance, fecundity, and in this meaning belonged to the circle of symbols of fertility gods.

Bilateral Inscription from the Stanitsa Nedvigovskaya. Tanais, Tanaitai, emporium and Emporium in Written Sources

The paper publishes the bilateral Greek inscription occasionally found in Nedvigovka village on Don Estuary at late 1980 years. Her reverse side presents the dating formula from the period of bosporan King Tiberius Julius Eupator with new court post of ὁ ἐπὶ τῶν Ταναειτῶν τῶν κατὰ Βόσπορον. The avers side preserved some little fragments of name’s list from the time of bosporan King Sauromates I. Besides many corrigenda to interpretation of toponyms Tanais and Emporion, to reconstruction & notion of before published inscriptions are proposed.

The Burials with Rhodian Amphorae from Meotian Burial Grounds of the Krasnodar Group

In the burial grounds of the Maeotian hill-forts, located on the Right Bank of the Kuban River, often found Rhodian amphorae. Reliably documented material was obtained as a result of long-term excavations of the burial grounds Starokorsunskaya № 2 and Lenin № 3 hill-forts, which belong to the Krasnodar group of the monuments. Now, there are 14 burials with stamped Rhodian amphorae of the different types and variants.

New Variants of Ceramic Stamps of Early Hellenistic Knidos

The article publishes a series of stamps, previously usually attributed to undefined centers. A Comparision of Mediterranean and Black Sea materials allows with a high degree of probability to attribute the stamps published below as Knidian. At the same time, an attempt is made to separate individual stamps within the group and their chronological definition.

A Pottery Assemblage from the Burial M26 in the Hellenistic Neсropoleis of Tauric Chersonese

The article presents the publication and a comprehensive analysis of pottery finds from the burial M26 and a ritual fireplace, connected to it. The burial was investigated in the Hellenistic necropolis of Tauric Chersonese during the excavations, conducted of А.N. Ščeglov in 1963 (fig. 1). The site located on the Eastern slope of Pesochnaya Bay, along the ancient road leading to the Western city gate (Fig. 2).

To the Question of the Duration of Use of Black-Glazed Tableware (on Materials from Panticapaeum and Tanais)

Despite of the existence of closed complexes, which include earlier Black-Glazed pottery, it is considered that with rare exceptions, the time of existence of Black-Glazed products is limited to a short period. If the interval between the production of such vassals and their delivery to the consumer really cannot be significant, the duration of the use of vessels depends on several factors.

Mirrors in the Burials of the Scythians of Herodot of the Northern Black Sea Coast of the Second Half of the Vth – IVth Centuries BC

The article is devoted to analyzis of a data set of 162 Scythian female burials of the Northern Black Sea Region of the Vth –IVth c. BC with mirrors distributed according to the location of the mirrors, taking into account the anthropological definition, the presence of weapons in the burials and the their dating. According to archaeological data, all burials with mirrors are defined as female, 37 cases is confirmed by anthropological definitions, which suggests that the mirrors in the Scythians of the second half mark female burials exclusively.

An Assemblage of the Mid-6th Century BC Well from the Berezan Excavations of 1963/1964

The article is devoted to the assemblage of finds from the well excavated by the State Hermitage archaeological mission under the direction of K.S. Gorbunova in 1963–1964 on the Berezan island. Transport amphorae are represented by the Samian, Lesbian and Klazomenian production. In addition, fragments of handles belonging to Cypriot basket-handle amphorae appear in the same deposit. The filling of the well contained the significant number of complete and fragmented tableware vessels of the Corinthian, Chian, Attic, North and South Ionian production.

Двусторонняя надпись из станицы Недвиговской

Аннотация: в статье публикуется двусторонняя греческая надпись, слу-
чайно найденная в станице Недвиговской в конце 1980-х годов. На оборот-
ной стороне сохранилась датировочная формула времени правления боспор-
ского царя Тиберия Юлия Эвпатора, которая приносит новую придворную
должность – ὁ ἐπὶ τῶν Ταναειτῶν τῶν κατὰ Βόσπορον. На лицевой стороне дошли
обрывки списка имён эпохи Савромата I. Автор предлагает также ряд ис-
правлений к интерпретации топонимов Танаис и Эмпорий и к восстановле-

To the discovery of the stamped Roman mortarius in Panticapaeum: a new source about the Roman military presence on the Bosporus

The article publishes a fragment of a stamped Roman mortarius, accidentally found during construction work in Kerch (antique Panticapaeum). Inspite of all the ordinariness of the stamp, this mark is a unique find for the European Bosporus. The recorded analogies of finds in Moesia and other parts of the Northern Black Sea region (Tyra, Olbia, Chersonessus) allow us to conclude, that mortarius is associated with the presence of Roman troops on the Bosporus in the late 2nd – early 3rd centuries AD.
