ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

Марк Антоний

Антоний и Дионис (из истории религиозной политики триумвира М. Антония)

Сре­ди раз­но­об­раз­но­го мате­ри­а­ла источ­ни­ков, осве­щаю­ще­го с той или иной сто­ро­ны идео­ло­ги­че­скую борь­бу, кото­рая сопро­вож­да­ла пере­ход от рес­пуб­ли­ки к еди­но­вла­стию, осо­бое место зани­ма­ет инфор­ма­ция, сво­дя­щая вме­сте два име­ни — эллин­ско­го бога Дио­ни­са и рим­ско­го три­ум­ви­ра Мар­ка Анто­ния.

The Struggle for the Western Mediterranean: Politics and Propaganda in Rome (41–36 BC)

The article deals with the problem of the relationship between the Triumvirs in the period 41–36 BC. The author notes the active use of Republican slogans, which allowed political leaders to obtain the support of a significant part of the population of the Roman state. That is why political propaganda has acquired special significance in the period of 41–36 BC.

Was there a ruler? Reflections on certain Aspects of the Career and Politics of the Triumvir M. Antony

The article is devoted to the consideration of the nature of the policy and political goals of the triumvir M. Antony. First of all, it is noted that he came from a family that did not have any political influence, or connections, whose members were involved in a number of scandals. Until Caesar's death, Antony was only the executor of his orders. After the death of the dictator, he became one of the leaders of the Caesarians, but he had no other support than the army. In 42–30 BC.

Formation of a Roman Public Opinion by Octavian (from Ilyrian Campaign to Actium)

The article discusses the means and methods that Octavian used to form the public opinion of the Romans in the period 34–32 BC. The author notes their diversity and intensive use in political propaganda, but their effectiveness should not be exaggerated. Only patriotic slogans made Octavian the true leader of the Roman Republic. Octavian`s political talent was that he managed to capture and use Romans moods in his interests.

Epistula Marci Antonii triumviri ad Koinon Asiae as a source for the study of Mark Antony’s stay in the East in 41 BC.

Following the battle at Philippi (October 42 BC) triumvir Mark An­tony in 41 BC toured the eastern provinces of the Roman Republic. During this trip he restored the authority of Rome, levied contributions upon the cities, and appointed kings and rulers. In Ephesus Anthony was persuaded to grant broad privileges and immunities to 'the worldwide association of victors in the festival games', as evidenced by the letter of Antony to the Κοινόν τῶν άπό τῆς Ἀσίας Ἑλλή­νων on the rights of the συνόδου τῶν ἀπὸ τῆς οἰκουμένης ἱερονικῶν καὶ στεφανιτῶν.

The last adventure of Sextus Pompey

The article examines the last period of the biography of Sextus Pompey. Modern researchers estimate his activity in the last months of his life as an insignificant episode in the general course of events. But any minor episode can easily become an important event in the circumstances of the Civil War. Although Sextus Pompey did not have clear plans to seize power, he was a figure capable of uniting the remnants of the Republicans around him and that is why he was a hindrance for both Octavian and Antony.

The second “Philippic” of Cicero and the image of Mark Antony in the ancient authors works

The article examines the influence of Cicero’s second “Philippic” on the formation of the image of Mark Antony in the writings of ancient authors, primarily Plutarch. On the one hand, Cicero’s pamphlet provided rich material for the characterization of Antony’s personal qualities, which was widely used in the later sources.

Марк Антоний и политика clementia Caesaris

В ноябре 42 г. до н. э. в битве при Филиппах была уничтожена последняя армия Римской республики.

Последний период гражданских войн (исторический очерк)

После победы при Филиппах Антоний и Октавиан совершили торжественное жертвоприношение и воздали публичную хвалу своим победоносным легионам. Затем Октавиан отправился в Италию с ветеранами, которым он должен был раздать земли, Антоний же направился на Восток, чтобы там изыскать деньги для уплаты солдатам. Победители перераспределили между собой провинции: Цизальпинская Галлия была соединена с Италией, а Антоний был вознагражден Нарбонской Галлией, отнятой у Лепида.

Последняя авантюра Секста Помпея

В статье рассматривается последний период биографии Секста Помпея. Современные исследователи оценивают его деятельность в последние месяцы жизни как незначительный эпизод в общем ходе событий. Но любой второстепенный эпизод может с легкостью стать важным событием в обстоятельствах Гражданской войны. Хотя Секст Помпей не имел четких планов захвата власти, но он был фигурой, способной объединить вокруг себя остатки республиканцев и именно поэтому представлял собой помеху и для Октавиана, и для Антония.