ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Боевые слоны в карфагенских армиях

For the first time Carthaginians had seen the war elephants on Sicily during the war against Pyrrhus. After that they had made war elephants’ divisions, which Carthaginians had being caught on the Atlas mountain foot. This threatening form of armament they had used during the conquering of Spain and against Romans during Punic wars. With their help Carthaginians had broken through the Roman formation in the Battle of Tunes in 256 BC, and Hannibal could carry them out over Rhone and Alps.

Христианские храмы в языческих святилищах (к вопросу об утверждении христианства в Малой Азии)

The article is dedicated to the research of the topography of ancient Christian churches. Basing on the written sources and the observation of the ancient sites, the author marks out eight types of location of the churches during the period of Christianization of the Roman Empire. After the edict of the emperor Theodosius of 392, the Christians started using pagan sanctuaries for their cults and ceremonies.

Античное кораблекрушение как археологический комплекс

The general problem raised in the article is the significance of the artifacts from the stern areas of shipwrecks in the study of the history seafaring. Have we can find different things such as personal things of crewmen, coins, carpenter’s instruments, galley pottery, sacral objects. All this allows us to get a full picture of a person’s life and work in the sea.

Позднеантичное погребение из раскопок восточного некрополя Фанагории в 2007 г.

The article is dedicated to publication of materials from burial 118 from the eastern necropolis of Phanagoria explored in 2007. It is a vault with a long dromos arranged in line with a chamber. On its floor we found remains of three burials in wooden coffins. They had been disrupted by grave-robbers. However, remained goods allow us to date the vault to late antiquity (phases D1 and D2 of Central European chronological system), i. e. end of 4th – first half of 5th centuries AD. At that, we did not find any evidences of Hunnic presence there.

Некоторые вопросы экономической истории юго-восточного Причерноморья (к проблеме локализации коричневоглиняных амфор)

Eine eingehende Analyse der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Gegebenheiten des süd-östlichen und östlichen Schwarzmeerraumes zeigt, dass es keine Anlässe gibt über den hohen Entwicklungsgrad der Kolchis zu sprechen. Außerdem ist ohne Zweifel unrichtig die Behauptung über die polyzentrische und langfristige Produktion von keramischen Warentransportbehältern in jener Gegend. Sämtliche Voraussetzungen dafür waren nicht vorhanden. Der Verfasser kehrt zu der alten Hypothese von B. Ju. Michlin zurück, dass die sog.
