ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Амфоры и клейма из кургана № 32 у г. Орджоникидзе и некоторые вопросы амфорной хронологии

In 2007 at Ordzhonikidze of the Dnepropetrovsk region the Scythian barrow No. 32 was excavated. In the funeral feast connected with the central burial place of the barrow, fragments of 54 amphoras are found. Amphoras of three centres have stamps. Heraclean stamps of magistrates Saturos and Lusitheos are dated by V. I. Kac 360– 350th BC. The Sinopian stamp of magistrate Apollodōros by the accepted chronology dated 355– 350 BC.

Таганрогское поселение – гавань Кремны? (письменные источники и археологические реалии)

Materials of the Taganrog settlement, as the author of the article states, make it possible to turn once again to the problem of localization of Kremny harbor. Basing on the data of ancient writing tradition various scientists located Kremny along the whole Northern shore of Meotida: starting from the mouth of the Tanais and till the Crimea. Mentioning of Kremny by Herodotus in connection with the Amazon myth, supposes the existence of this harbor already in the archaic period.

Освоение греками земель Таманского полуострова в последней четверти VI – первой половине V в. до н. э.

The main purpose of this article is to analyze a development of agricultural territories of the Asian Bosporan Greek centres in the period their maximum blossoming (the end of the 6– 2nd quarter of the 5th century BC), before they were included in structure of the Bosporus state and on the eve of sharp recession reached before economic indicators in the second half of the 5th century BC.

Производство черепицы в Горгиппии (история локализации и изучения)

In the Gorgippia by this time 285 Bosporian tile stamps were found. More 77 copies are fixed on settlements on near and far city chore. The analysis of this material has allowed to receiving the new information as about the organization of ceramic producing in Gorgippia, so and for date of separate series of the tile stamps fixed here. First of all, it was possible to specify and fill up the list of stamps on tiles, made in Gorgippia.

Немонетные формы денег в Скифии и Фракии

In the LBA treasures of metal pieces began to appear in the territories on the Western and Northern coasts of the Black sea. In the scholarly publications, the term “pre-coins” is used to denote this kind of money. It is incorrect by many reasons. It is stricter to use the term “non-coins” to describe the metal ingots in different forms used as money.

Camulodunum colonia victricensis: рождение и гибель провинциального центра

Camulodunum was the first capital of Roman Britain. Today it is one of the well-known Roman-British towns. Recent excavations, a number of inscriptions and several passages by Tacitus and Dio shows that the earliest Roman Camulodunum was an imperial project. Roman authorities supposed that the town, which before 43 AD was a capital of “Eastern kingdom”, would become the centre of Britannia. When the legionary fortress of Camulodunum was abandoned, a civil settlement with status “colonia” of veterans was established.

Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensis. Кельн – центр римской провинции Нижняя Германия

Im Artikel wurden wichtige Momente der Geschichte der rheinischen Metropolen in römischer Zeit beleuchtet. Die ursprüngliche Siedlung, oppidum Ubiorum, wurde in den ersten Jahren unserer Zeitrechnung gegründet. Die führende Rolle bei den Bauarbeiten übernahmen die römischen Legionäre. Der Autor befürwortet in seiner Argumentation, dass sich das Militärlager erst innerhalb der städtischen Festigungen befand. Dort befand sich auch ara Ubiorum (dann ara Germaniae?) — Zentrum des kaiserlichen Kultes.

Время в сочинениях Саллюстия

The paper deals with Sallust’s perception of historical time. Sallust recognizes that ancestors’ times were better than current period, but, nevertheless, doesn’t deny progressive trends in development from past to present and notes many eventual changes to the best in course of history. Evolution of human characters, according to Sallust, does not go only to the worst too (contrary to opinion of some specialists on Sallust’s concepts). The author agrees with K.

Легендарно-историческая традиция о роде Фабиев: новый взгляд

Literary sources about the warfare between Etruscans and the Roman gens of Fabii in 477 BC show that both groups acted like initiatory groups of youths, which were characteristic for many primitive peoples. Thus, Fabii performed plundering raids into the Etruscan territory and acted very quickly and cunningly. Then, during their last battle at the Cremera river they demostrated rage and frenzy resembling to those of German berserks.
