ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Освоение греками земель Таманского полуострова в последней четверти VI – первой половине V в. до н. э.


The main purpose of this article is to analyze a development of agricultural territories of the Asian Bosporan Greek centres in the period their maximum blossoming (the end of the 6– 2nd quarter of the 5th century BC), before they were included in structure of the Bosporus state and on the eve of sharp recession reached before economic indicators in the second half of the 5th century BC.

The received supervision have allowed authors to outline approximate borders of agricultural areas of the poleis known on written sources and archaeological researches (Phanagoreia, Kepoi, Hermonassa, Korokondama, Patraeus) and also to reveal presumably rural areas of the centres which till now have been not localized (Ahilleion, Kimmeris) or not known on another sources at all.

Throughout this period a development of the rural areas passed non-uniformly. One areas extended dynamically (chora of Phanagoreia, regions on Fontalovskiy peninsula and around Tsokur estuary), another areas rather degraded (chorai of Hermonassa and Korokondama; region to the east from Phanagoreian chora). The received conclusions have preliminary character. But these tentative estimations are a progress in differentiation not dismembered multitude sites in the rural territory of Asian Bosporus during the early period of its history.

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